Tuesday, 31 July 2012

kino residency: a week in august

From the 20th to the 25th of August, I'll be in and around Cafe Kino in Bristol, chatting with people and trying to write a story to be performed on saturday the 25th. In this week, there will be two events:

Wed 22nd Aug: Write Good Songs 

New music and bands from:

Chris Nicholls

T H E   S O R R Y   P E O P L E
Roxy Brennan & Ellis jones

M O S C O W   R U L E S
Philip Dodd

T H E   N E R V Y   B E T T E RS
Steve Brett, Henry Ireland & friends

F R E E !

Sat 25th Aug: Music & Movies

R A C H A E L   D A D D
experimental multi-instrumentalist folk musician, rachael's songs reflect her time living between the uk and japan and are constantly evolving, played often on guitar and banjo and accompanied by harps, koras and steel drums.

ichi, from nagoya in japan takes the notion of a one-man band to new limits, combining his handmade instrument inventions with steel-drum, ping-pong balls, tape-loops, xylophone, double bass and trumpet, all in the space of one short set.

H E N R Y   I R E L A N D
nowadays, I pretty much always perform live in tiger & panda and grizzly and the bears but i often record on my own using a four-track tape recorder. i'll be in kino all week chatting to people and writing a story that i will try and put to music.

7.30 P M
£ 5

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